Sunday, August 2, 2020

decided the entry platform on the Castle Keep needed a railing......
you can also see the Coat of Arms above the door

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

a sip of champagne

Mary at home & having a sip of champagne (doll created by Mary Williams)

Friday, July 24, 2020

Still adding things to my Castle now has 2 guardsmen, both by Tish Tierney:

Sunday, June 21, 2020

The last piece finally arrived from In Some Small Way on Etsy.  The whole cottage is furnished almost completely with her pieces.
The mirror was the second one sent.....the coronavirus has played heck with the mails.  Delighted to have it!
the only piece not Judith Dowden's is the desk behind the sofa

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

adding a few pieces I painted myself to match (sort of) the shabby chic minis I purchased on Etsy....;
I added a bit of lace to the front of the sofa seat cushion

Sunday, May 3, 2020

My latest mini cottage (purchased, not made by me)

After a couple of abortive attempts to bash a Primrose Cottage kit to make a shabby chic cottage, I gave up.  I just didn't have the proper tools to cut new windows and door in the "wood".
So, after admiring Caroline Dupuis (Cinderella Moments) cottage creations, I commissioned her to
make one for me.  It will house the shabby chic minis I've been collecting in anticipation for the cottage I ended up not making.

Here is what she made for me, and dubbed "a la Francaise" and it's even prettier than I expected:

And, here are a few of my mini furnishings added: