Thursday, November 22, 2018

Had a castle guardsman made by Tish Tierney of Versailles Fashion Dolls.  He's warming his hands at the charcoal brazier.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Found a wonderful doll by Tish Tierney (Versailles Fashion Dolls) that should be perfect in my Castle Keep.  She's actually part of Tish's series of Henry VII and his 6 wives.  This was Tish's Catherine Howard who has been demoted by me to a Knight's wife living in the Castle Keep.

I also tried her in a couple of other interior settings, but prefer her in the Solar because she can be seen much better there.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

I hope I'm finished at last.  After creating a landscaping mess, I've redone it and it seems OK.  The last thing I did was to build a platform bed with a straw pallet for the kitchen serf.  It's in a corner under the ladder stairs.  And the top floor pictures show the trap door closed and then opened. Of course, I'll probably still do some more tinkering.  That's the fun of miniatures.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Struggled with Magic Block doing a messy job, i.e. color, block shape & thickness...….just generally a struggle.  Fussed around over and over.  Made the entry platform and glued it in place.  Then began to apply the mossy growth.  I'll need to work with that a little more, but here it is:

Saturday, July 14, 2018

a mess putting Magic Block on my Tower

I'm having a heck of time mixing consistent color in the Magic Block batches I'm applying to the Tower.
It's a tedious and tricky procedure especially when having to cover 3 walls that are 14" x 32" each.

I don't know what I'm going to do to try to fix the mess I've made.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

KEEP trial decore

The 'Magic Block' has yet to be applied to the exterior walls, then I can decorate in earnest.
BUT, I've been so anxious to get to that point that I keep trying out possible decore - - here
is the latest trial interior:

Of course, this means I have to keep taking the stuff out and put it aside while I do the serious finishing work.  The crenallations need to be painted and applied, the Magic Block applied, then the final exterior finish - -  wood strips glued to the rough edges of the floors and tower.

Oh, and I think I need to make a trap door for the opening on the top floor.

Friday, April 13, 2018

finished the top floor, now the lower 3 floors need the wall finished and then it's applying the 'Magic Block' to the outside walls.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

My window solution worked.  Just hope that it holds up.  I cut the window film to show the pattern I wanted, then fit the pieces between the backing I'd made and the window carved into the wall. 
Here's how it looks on the interior - -

the first picture shows the template I made with the film behind it and the second picture shows the way it looks on the exterior.
Not bad.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Set up the Castle Keep project on the patio table because there's just no work space in my craft room.  The kit is heavy and awkward.

The ladders, ceiling beams & braces are all stained.  Made & stained 2 railings for stair openings.

I think I solved the problem of disguising the application of the Gothic window film.  

This is how the finished window is supposed to look. 
I made a template of the back out of a very thin ply and painted it with the stone-paint.  I'll put the film between the window and the template and hope it works out.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Castle Keep temporarily put together.  Trying out some of the furnishings to see how they fit.  Still lots of painting, gluing, and detailing to do.

Friday, February 16, 2018

in the process of making a corner that looks like Vermeer's MILKMAID with a doll made by Lucie Winsky

Somehow I got fixated on having a Medieval tower but have finally given up on my grand idea of creating one from scratch.  Grand plans hampered by minimal skills and a lack of things like a table saw and proper tools.

So I just ordered the 11th century Norman Tower kit from Earth & Tree Miniatures.  Now I just have to figure out how to finish it.